
The purchase of a property is not a frequent act for most citizens, it is, instead, a big step and an important investment in our lives.

Notaries have an important role in verifying and granting the deeds, but they act with neutrality and total exemption, sometimes neglecting the interests of the contracting parties.

The Attorney is an experienced professional who guarantees that their client’s interests are safeguarded for the future.

It is up to the attorney, not only to verify the land registration and matrix registration documents, to ensure that the acquisition is made free of burdens and charges, but above all, to question documents that, by themselves, are sufficient for the granting of the deed.

A common example is documents related to the licensing of buildings, whether authorization permits or exemptions from the authorization permit.

It often happens that the permit issued by the City Council no longer corresponds to the current building due to renovation or expansion works carried out after the issuance and which will have potentially serious consequences for future owners. Either in the economic aspect for forcing you to defray expenses with the respective licensing processes, fines and fees, or in an administrative aspect for, in the worst case scenario, being forced to demolish buildings that are not subject to legalization because they are located in a protected area or exceed the maximum construction index.

Finally, the attorney can also represent the buyer by power of attorney in case of impediment, or translate and verbally explain the text of the deed at the time of the grant, in case the buyer does not speak Portuguese, concluding with the respective records.

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